
Our address: Pobedy Av, 20, Vitebsk
tel.: +375 (212) 22-32-03.

Opening hours:
9.00- 17.00
Saturday, Sunday – days-off

In the light of current trends in the development of the health system a hospital pharmacy is attached great importance and is recognized as a full partner in the health care team. Almost every clinic has a pharmacy division in its composition. This is very handy not only for the clinic personnel, but also for patients. Treatment should not be linked with the additional time spent on searching for a desired medicine. Thus, in 2008, in accordance with the concept of development of the university, approved in 2005 by the rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor AN Kosinets, a Pharmacy of the fourth category was opened in the clinic of VSMU to improve the quality of medical care.

Today, the Pharmacy is a modern pharmaceutical institution with a large assortment of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment of domestic and foreign manufacture. The Pharmacy not only helps to select necessary drugs, but does it with the maximum speed. The special role of the Pharmacy is achieved with constant adaptation of its work to the needs of medical and nursing staff, the requirements of the administration and active participation in the of various problems solution of the Clinic for medical care improving.

The Pharmacy of VSMU Clinic is also the base for practical training and improvement of professional skills of students of Faculty of Pharmacy.

Teamwork of the Pharmacy and multifaceted Clinic of Vitebsk State Medical University is a unified educational and health-care system for the provision o full high-quality medical care and the training of medical and pharmaceutical staff at a highly advanced level.
