59 departments are in the University, 62 doctors and 206 Candidates of Science work here, 43 of them are Professors and 163 are Docents.

All the departments are equipped with up-to-date automated teaching aids, with sets of moulages and phantoms, with complex diagnosis and treatment equipment. Great pedagogical experience, professional research work and good teaching aids are the ground for teaching process. Ranked and three-stage system of knowledge evaluation (computer testing, practical training and oral interviewing) is introduced for all the departments.
Educational-technical drug-store, stomatolgical clinic, experimental-analytical laboratory are being created to improve the quality of education and to help our students to consolidate their knowledge on practice.

Most patient care institutions of Vitebsk are clinical bases of the University and they all have modern medical and diagnosis equipment at their disposal. The main clinical bases of the University are Regional clinical hospital, Regional oncological clinic, First aid clinic, and Regional clinic for children, Clinic of VSMU and others.

The excellent library of the university is open for every student and has great fond of books in Russian and other foreign languages at its disposal. Most books are of educational and scientific-research character; these are unique publications of lections, recommendation literature, monographies, scientific works and materials from conferences, published by different departments.

The unique electronic library was created on the basis of VSMU in 2003. The center is equipped with new computers with high speed Internet linkup.

Students and the staff of the University have access to the materials of the Department of scientific information, the database “Medicine” (Russia), “Medline” (USA), “International pharmaceutical reports” (USA) and many more.