Group technology and biopharmaceutical research
From left to right: Nesterenko Ye.V., Khishova O.M., Dubashinskaya N.V.., Shcherbinin I.Yu.

Group members:

Head of the group – leading researcher Khishova Olga Michailovna.
Senior researcher – Dubashinskaya Natalia Vadimovna.
Senior researcher – Shcherbinin Igor Yurievich.
Laboratory assistant – Nesterenko Yelena Valerievna.


  • Hardness tester TBH 100 (RF)
  • Solubility tester DT 600 (RF)
  • Disintegration tester ZT 321 (RF)
  • Abrasion tester TA 120 (RF).

Main directions of the research activity:

  • Consulting on the development of composition and technology of production, adjusting the composition and overcome the incompatibility in drugs.
  • Development and execution of standard documentation for finished pharmaceuticals (production regulations, manufacturer’s pharmacopoeial monograph).
  • Scientific and practical assistance to postgraduates, doctoral students and applicants on the topics of their theses.

Accredited methods:

Research of uncoated tablets for:

  • disintegration,
  • dissolution,
  • abrasion resistance,
  • compressive resistance.

Research of coated tablets for:

  • disintegration,
  • dissolution.

Research of capsules (hard and soft) for:

  • disintegration,
  • dissolution.