А.М. Demetsky

Scientific Research Laboratory (SRL) was founded in 1963 on the basis of the USSR Council of Ministers decree №735 (12.08.1961) and USSR Ministry of Health order №496 (10.11.1961) as a structural unit of Vitebsk Medical Institute.

The main objective of SRL was provision of scientific, practical and consulting assistance to doctors, postgraduates, applicants and teaching staff with research projects.

The first head of SRL was Candidate of Medical Sciences A.M. Demetsky (1963-1966). Under his leadership three departments were founded: 1) Physiological (head of the department - physician M.N. Sechenok); 2) Biochemical (head of the department – laboratory physician V.I. Fomchenko); 3) Morphological (head of the department - junior research assistant K.K. Ivanov. SRL staff consisted of 16 employees.

The main focus of research was functional and morphological changes in blood vessels of the extremities in hemodynamics disorder.

From October 1966 to 1968 SRL was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences S.I. Yupatov. During this period two main areas of research were developed: 1) pathology of the cardiovascular system; 2) physiology and pathology of the pancreas. There were studies on the subjects of 2 Doctor’s and 19 Candidate’s theses.

Yupatov Jloba
S.I. Yupatov A.F. Zhloba
E.S. Pitkevich

From 1968 to 1970 SRL was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences A.F. Zhloba. Research topics have been expanded and in cooperation with 20 university chairs 17 Doctor’s and 26 Candidate’s theses were carried out on the basis of SRL. Moreover, 16 employees carried out search activity.

From 1970 to 1987 the laboratory was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences E.S. Pitkevich. In 1978 by the order of the USSR Ministry of Health №79 (15.06.1978) the Research Laboratory was transformed into the Central Scientific Research Laboratory. During this period under the supervision of D.K. Novikov and A.A. Chirkin immunological and biochemical research groups intensively developed. D.K. Novikov A.A. Chirkin defended their Doctor’s theses. A monograph by D.K. Novikov and V.I. Novikova "Cell Immunodiagnostic Methods" was published.

From 1988 to March, 1999 the laboratory activity was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences G.Ya. Khulup. Since 1988 under the leadership of Vice-Rector for Research O.-Ya.L. Bekish planning of research topics of state and social order (Health Ministry of the Republic of Belarus) was implemented. The basis of CSRL comprised the research on two topics - tasks of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Belarus of the program "Health". As a result a new research area for bone marrow transplantation appeared. At the same time Central Scientific Research Laboratory provided assistance in research for 15 Doctor’s and 14 Candidate's theses. A new structural unit - chemical-technological group - has been included in the Central Research Laboratory since 1988. The object of this group was the research on the synthesis of immunomagnetic microspheres based on albumin, protein A, magnetite and monoclonal antibodies as well as based on polystyrene used for immunomagnetic cell separation.

G.Ya. Khulup

In 1989 Central Scientific Research Laboratory continued research on the topic-task of the State committee for science and technology USSR and 4 new subjects of social order. Performing of the tasks of the State committee for science and technology USSR facilitated the development and creation of the technology of synthesis of new magnetically sensitive microencapsulated form of adriamycin for the prevention of graft-versus-host disease in bone marrow allografting and treatment of cancer. Since 1991 two topics of state and social order were carried out. The main focus of research was the subject of bone marrow allografting and prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This research included as well research in various areas: hematological, immunological, biotechnological, chemical and technological, biophysical. As a result of the research devoted to prevention of graft-versus-host disease and method of B-lymphocytes extraction was the creation of two laboratory magnetic separators Belsep-A01 and Belsep-L05 designed for isolation of target cells, as well as the creation of clinical separator Belsep-KO1 and immunomagnetic microspheres. Taking into account the results of research work and obtained advances in biomedical research Central Scientific Research Laboratory was transferred from wage category III to wage category II by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus in 1991. Patent decisions for such inventions as "Method of production of magnetically sensitive microspheres with adriamycin " and "Method of injury healing" were obtained from a patent expertise. In 1993 3 employees of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory participated in the II European Congress devoted to bioelektromagnetizm in Slovenia. The conference proceedings published 3 articles. The employees of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory filed 3 applications for inventions and received 3 positive verdicts. 2 inventions were implemented into medical practice. Since August 1994 the Central Scientific Research Laboratory has been operated in a renovated building. Over the last 10 years 3 Doctor’s and 8 Candidate’s theses have been defended. From 1995 to 1998 the Laboratory had assisted in carrying out of 11 Doctor’s and 13 Candidate’s theses, as well as had provided assistance for 29 researchers.

The Central Scientific Research Laboratory comprised the following groups:

  • radioisotope;
  • immunological;
  • biochemical;
  • chemical-technological;
  • morphological;
  • physiological.

A computer network including a central database of all scientific programs was created in the Laboratory. From 1990 to 1997 3 Doctor’s and 8 Candidate’s theses had been defended in the Laboratory.

An analysis of the work done in the Central Scientific Research Laboratory is reflected in the conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Vitebsk State Medical University and the 35th anniversary of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory.
In March 1999 G.Ya. Khulup headed CSRL BelMAPO.

In the same year M.D. A.P. Solodkov was appointed a head of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory.

А.P. Solodkov

Under the leadership of A.P. Solodkov the project on creation of immunomagnetic separator was successfully completed and the CSRL organized some more structural units: 1) Laboratory of experimental physiology of the heart and blood vessels; 2) Laboratory Emergency Medicine (jointly with the military training chair); 3) Chemical-pharmaceutical group. A new modern gamma-counter was purchased. Physiology and pathology of endothelial cells became a new issue for development. The research on the function of endothelium of blood vessels in various pathological processes was conducted. Within this project a Health Ministry-financed study "The role of endothelial nitric oxide in the mechanisms of local vascular tone disorders in acute hemorrhage and its combination with the pre-induced stress" was carried out.

The employees of the Laboratory offered an affordable cheap method for determining the nitrogen monoxide in the blood plasma (nitrates and nitrites). Based on this method a prototype model of nitrates into nitrites gear was developed. The justification of the possibility of using a new group of so-called sulfur-containing substances with antioxidant activity, such as acetylcystein for correction of vascular tone was performed. This is one of those occasions when a well-known substance that has been used in medicine as a bronchodilator, that is, a substance liquefying sputum in the bronchi, turned out to be effective in prevention of poststressor changes in coronary vessels tone. Later the obtained data formed the basis for the implementation of the next research project to develop new approaches in the treatment of disorders of vascular tone in gestosis. Together with the physiologists association three international scientific-practical conferences "Endothelial dysfunction: experimental and clinical studies" were held. Associate Professor S.S. Osochuk worked out the methods for studying the lipid profile of blood plasma and tissue, as well as the assessment of lipid peroxidation. In 2002 because of the reorganization of financing of scientific research and the creation of the program "Regulation and Pathogenesis" a close cooperation with clinical chairs to carry out research programs was established. The CSRL housed Student Scientific Society (SSS) which provided more close interaction between students' scientific society and university research departments.

From December 2002 to the present day the Central Scientific Research Laboratory has been headed by M.D. Associate Professor S.S. Osochuk.

S.S. Osochuk

In April 2002 the clinic of VSMU was established. The laboratory of immunology and epidemiology under the supervision of Candidate of Medical Sciences Ye.V. Voropayev was organized. The task of this unit was to develop methods of enzyme immunoassay and carrying out clinical and epidemiological survey of the population of Vitebsk region. In order to ensure better integration of science and practical public health a radioisotope laboratory of the CSRL was housed by the VSMU clinics and closer interaction with clinical experts to collect clinical and experimental data in the framework of research projects was organized. In 2003 a jubilee conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory and the 55th anniversary of Students’ Scientific Society was held, which was attended by the representatives of all medical schools and medical research institutes. The conference issued a collection of scientific papers totaling 497 pages. In addition to traditional areas of research bio-energetic direction began to develop. Scientific contacts have been established with a laboratory of bioenergy at Institute n.a. Belozersky (Moscow State University). Lipid research in particular investigation of the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in pathological conditions got its further development. Scientific cooperation with the Institute of Preventive Medicine (Moscow) was established.

In addition to scientific assistance in the work on Candidates’ and Doctors’ theses a student scientific society "Researcher" operates within the framework of training at the Central Scientific Research Laboratory. These students annually participate in the Republican contest of student research papers.

CertificateA Group of Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology was established in 2006, headed by junior researcher V.N.Stolyarova. The task of the group consisted in modeling pathological conditions in experimental animals for the study of pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the development of a disease, as well as methods for their monitoring and correction. The group has developed the direction of pre-clinical trials of medicinal products and dietary supplements, as well as quality control of newly produced batches of drugs. In the same year the laboratory has been accredited by the accreditation system of the Republic of Belarus (Certificate of Accreditation №BY/112 от 16.10.2006).

In the following years according to the results of external audits accreditation has been extended until October 2014. Accreditation the CSRL allowed to expand the contractual activity of the laboratory in the field of toxicology and pre-clinical trials of medicines and dietary supplements. In February 2007 the head of the CSRL S.S.Osochuk defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: "The role of high density lipoproteins in reactivity lipidtransport system in the development of infectious inflammation". By the decision of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus in June 27, 2007 № 22Д (Minutes №12 / 7) S.S.Osochuk was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine. 29.01.2008 the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko awarded S.S.Osochuk a diploma of Doctor of Medical Sciences.


President of the Republic of Belarus
during diploma delivery ceremony

In 2009 – 2010 the head of the CSRL S.S.Osochuk together with the head of the Chair of Pharmacognosy and Botany Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences G.N.Buzuk in accordance with a contract №201 / 2 March 20, 2009 "Materia Medica" created a biologically active additive to food LH21, the use of which, along with other conditions, allowed to win:

  • gold medal in the hammer throw at the Winter European Championship in 2011 (Bulgaria) - Kolomoyets Sergei;
  • bronze medal at the Summer European Championship among youth (Czech Republic) in 2011 in the women's combined events (athletics) - Yana Maksimova;
  • silver medal in the Championship in rowing in Europe (Bulgaria, 2011) - Yulia Bichik and Natalia Gelakh;
  • bronze medal at the World Cup (Munich - 2011) - Yulia Bichik and Natalia Gelakh;
  • gold medal at the World Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling (Istanbul 2011) - Alim Selimov.

Since 2005 the Central Scientific Research Laboratory in collaboration with specialists from the university chairs have been working within a state program "Biotechnology" RSTP respectively: 2005 – 10, 2006 – 14, 2007 – 14, 2008 – 17, 2009 – 19, 2010 – 15, 2011 - 21, 2012 - 17.

CSRL annually updates the hardware base and is equipped with modern high-tech equipment such as ultra-centrifuge, water purification system, a flow cytometer, a high-performance liquid chromatograph, gas chromatograph, immune-enzyme analyzer, a recording photometer, spectrofluorometer IR spectrometer, chamber of deep-freezing (-86 ° C) etc .:

ik-spectrometr protochniy citometr
Infrared Spectrometer Flow Cytometer
watercleaner regspectphmr ultracent

Water Purification System



The main equipment of the laboratory is connected with a diesel-electric generator, allowing to ensure uninterrupted use of the equipment. In 2013 the reconstruction of the laboratory ventilation system was finished that allowed maintenance of the microclimate in the laboratory in accordance with modern requirements for testing laboratories.

The number of studies conducted in the Laboratory Groups had increased from 2005 to 2012 inclusively from 23430 to 39778.

In 2012 the scope of accreditation of RSL was expanded. 2 additional groups (chemical analytical research and technological and biopharmaceutical research) were incorporated in the Laboratory, the group of immunological studies was reorganized in an immunology and microbiology group. At present the SRL includes 7 groups:

  1. Biochemical Research (head – research scientist Yarotskaya N.N.);
  2. Immunology and Microbiology (head – research scientist Khotetovskaya Zh.V.);
  3. Morphological Research (head – Candidate of Biological Sciences Karpenko Ye.A.);
  4. Chemical Analytical Research (head – Fadeyev V.I.);
  5. Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology (head – junior research scientist Stolyarova V.N.);
  6. Technological and и Biopharmaceutical Research (head – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Khishova O.M.)
  7. Physiological Research (head – Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor Lazuko S.S.)
Scientific Research Laboratory Staff, January 2016
nil january 2016