Division: Rectorate, AT and SR department of surgery.

Position: Vice-rector of Clinical Work, Associate Professor.

Scientific degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Academic rank: Associate Professor.

Short resume

M.M. Savchuk is the first category surgeon. He graduated from VSMU in 2007. Then he worked as a surgeon in Orsha City Hospital named after N.A. Semashko. In 2014 he graduated from the postgraduate course at BelMAPO (Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education), and defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. Since 2014 he worked as an assistant of the Department of Hospital Surgery, and since 2016 - an Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of AT and ST at Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University.

Main directions of pedagogical activity are visceral surgery and transplantology.

His research interests include transplantology, liver and pancreas diseases.