Division: Rectorate.
Position: Vice-rector for Pedagogical and Ideological Affairs at the Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University".

In 1990, she graduated from Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov, in 2007 - the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Major stages of life and professional experience

1988 - 1989 – a Senior Pioneer Leader of No. 25 secondary school in Vitebsk

1989 - 1990 – a maths master at No. 25 secondary school in Vitebsk

1990 - 1990 – the Head of the Department of school pupils and pioneers of Zheleznodorozhny Komsomol District Committee in Vitebsk

1990 - 1991 - Secretary of Zheleznodorozhny Komsomol District Committee in Vitebsk

1991 - 1997 – a maths master at No 41 secondary school in Vitebsk

1997 - 1999 – the Head of the Department for Pedagogical Work at Vitebsk Medical Institute

1999 - 2003 - Head of the Department for Pedagogical Work at Vitebsk State Medical University

2003 – present time - Vice-rector for Pedagogical and Ideological Affairs at the Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University".

The vice-rector headed the initiative group for collecting votes in support of A.G. Lukashenko in presidential campaign in Oktyabrsky district in Vitebsk, she was the chairman and member of the district and territorial electoral campaign commissions of various levels. O.A. Sirodoeva was awarded with the Letter of Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Belarus for high level of organizational abilities in solving issues related to the presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus. She was also awarded with the diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, as well as with diplomas and gratitude of the regional, municipal and district levels. She was elected as a delegate of the III All-Belarusian People's Assembly. In 2005, by the decision of the Council of Vitebsk State Medical University, O. Syrodoeva was awarded the Commemorative Medal "For merits in development of VSMU", in 2009 she was awarded the "Person of the Year" title, and in 2016 she was awarded the "110 years of trade union movement" medal.

Syrodoeva O.A. is the chairman of the NGO "Belaya Rus" primary organization, a member of the presidium of the city organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society.

She plans and directs at a high professional level the activities of all units of the Pedagogical section, coordinates the work of public and youth organizations, student and sports clubs, the museum of VSMU history. O. Syrodoyeva developed the main directions of educational and pedagogical process at the university, made and implemented a program and a comprehensive plan of educational and ideological work for the educational process, the concept and program "Education in the system of continuous medical education".

Ideological work is one of the main directions supervised by the vice-rector.

On her initiative and personally participated, in 2003 an ideological center was established.

Main areas of the ideological center are:

- Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the content, forms and methods of ideological and pedagogical work.
- Training of curators and student activists on the basics of theory and practice of ideological and educational work. Ideological support of "Leader" and "Young voter" schools.
- Information and methodical support and carrying out pedagogical and ideological work with students.

A system of information work has been introduced to inform students in different areas, 9 information and propaganda groups have been created. Olga Arkadievna participated in the creation of the press center of the university, which began its work in 2003. She supervises the work of the editorial board of the large-circulation newspaper "Medvuzovets" and information coverage of the educational process on the official website, communicates with the mass media of the Republic of Belarus. She actively takes part in preparing of conferences, symposia, seminars, which are held at VSMU.

Syrodoeva O.A. successfully coordinates the work of youth associations: NGO "BRSM" and students’ trade union.

The vice-rector for pedagogical and ideological work controls the work of the student and sports clubs.

Under her leadership, the University annually conducts more than 60 cultural events, 12 amateur art groups function.

Students of VSMU take part in numerous international, republican, regional and city festivals and competitions every year. 273 students become laureates and diploma winners over the past 5 years. Creative collectives and individual performers of the student club constantly take part in the cultural-mass and competitive programs of the city, region and the Republic, honorably presenting their university at the highest level.

Volunteer movement is one of the topical directions in the university. The main activity of volunteers is to help disabled people, the elderly and orphans. O.A. Syrodoeva initiated the creation of The Volunteer Council of the University which coordinates and directs the work of all volunteer associations. For two years, together with Radio Vitebsk and other universities of the city, a charitable action "Goodness is always saving" has been held to raise funds and purchase medical equipment for the Health Care Institution “Vitebsk Regional Specialized Infant Orhanage ". Olga Arkadievna conducts training and consultations for VSMU volunteers, in which operation more than 400 students are involved.