GlushankoVSDepartment: Department of Public Health and Health care of EE "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University."
Position: Head of the Department of Public Health and Health protection of EE "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University", Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.
Academic degree: Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor


Vasily Glushanko was born in r.s. Loev, Gomel region.

In 1965, he entered the Vitebsk State Medical Institute and graduated from it in 1971.

In 1971-1975 – he is a resident medical practitioner of the Department of Psychiatry, the Head of the Department of Vitebsk Regional Clinical Mental Hospital.

Since 1975, he has been working at VSMI: in 1975-1997 – he is a senior researcher, the head of ONMI, an assistant, a senior lecturer, an associate professor of the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Care provider, the head of the Preparatory Department, the deputy dean of the Medical-Prophylactic Faculty, the head of the Preparatory Department; in 1999-2006 – he is a dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining (FAT and SR), since 1990 to the present time – he is the head of the Department of Public Health and Medical Care.

In 1974, V.S. Glushanko defended his Candidate of Medical Sciences thesis in "Analysis of induced brain activity" (Lvov).

In 1992 he successfully defended his degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences thesis in "Theoretical and social-hygienic and organizational aspects of boundary psychological disorders" on specialty "Public Health and Medical Care Management" in COLMRI (Moscow).

In 1993, V.S. Glushanko was awarded the title of professor and issued the professor's qualification, the first in the Belarusian health care system. From the very beginning, Professor V.S. Glushanko is a member of the Council for doctoral theses: D 03.15.05 and D 03.16.02 on specialties Pharmacy, Public health and Health care; the member of the Higher Attestation Commission expert council of first structures. He was the first in Belarus to launch the new course "History of Pharmacy" and to propose the English medium in educational process. He is a co-author of the national textbook "Public health and health care."

Professor V.S. Glushanko took the chair of the deputy chairman of the task group of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus to create the first "National programme of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010.", approved by Presidential Decree № 135 dated 26 March 2007; the developer of the project "Strengthening the Sisters of Charity Services" in collaboration with the Swiss-Austrian-German consortium of the Red Cross; the Health Development Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2020, and others.

MD, Professor V.S. Glushanko is the chairman of the "MH Expert Committee on problems of Health care management, scientific research and development, aimed to secure the Ministry of Health’s activities"; a member of the Coordinating Committee on Health care on the Eurasian space; a member of the State Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus; a member of the Belarusian public association of founders of the public health care and medicine and pharmacy historians’ society; the Chairman of the primary university Red Cross organization; a member of the University Council, the Central Educational advisory board and the Medical Faculty Council, etc.

Professor V.S. Glushanko is a member of the editorial boards of peer-reviewed magazines: "Problems of Public Health management and informational support", "Reporter of VSMU", "Reporter of Pharmacy", "Health care Economics" (Russia), "Modern problems of health care and medical statistics" (Russia).

The university-wide teaching and methodical and informative class has been working for many years at the department to create a healthy lifestyle.

Under the guidance of Professor V.S. Glushanko, the first scientific and pedagogical school "Organization, management and economics of health care" was established which integrates solutions of theoretical and applied problems of optimization of the medical-pharmaceutical complex in the Republic of Belarus in its activity.

List of scientific publications

Professor V.S. Glushanko is an author of over 600 scientific and educational works, monographs, lectures, textbooks and learning aids in Russian and English languages:

  1. Organizational technologies in the health care system of XXI century: a monograph / ed. A.N. Kosinets, V.S. Glushanko - Vitebsk: Vitebsk State Medical University, 2006. - 328 p.
  2. Current problems of improving health and social care: a monograph / V.S. Glushanko [et al.]. - Vitebsk State Medical University, 2008. - 185 p.
  3. Glushanko V.S. Preventing distresses and neuroses – way to a healthy lifestyle: a monograph / V.S. Glushanko. - M., 1991. - 39 p.
  4. Glushanko V.S. Medical-economic model to manage the resource-saving technologies in healthcare: a monograph / V.S. Glushanko, A.V. Plish - Vitebsk, 2005. - 234 p.
  5. Glushanko V.S. Public Health and Health Care: a guidebook, 2nd edition, revised. and ext. / V.S. Glushanko. Under the editorship of MD, Professor V.P. Deykalo.
  6. Glushanko V.S. Basics of Medical Statistics: study guide / V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Gruznevich, S.L. Garanicheva, N.S. Alyahnovich, L.P. Kolbasich. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2012. - 155 p.
  7. Planning, financing and pricing in Health care: a study guide / E.M. Tkacheva, V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Gruznevich, A.P. Timofeeva. Under the ed. of MD, Professor V.S. Glushanko. - Vitebsk, 2011. - 217 p.
  8. Glushanko V.S., Plish A.V., Timofeeva A.P. Organization of outpatient, emergency and first aid to urban population. Clinical examination: a study guide for students of higher medical educational institutions on the subject "Public health and healthcare" / under the editorship of MD, prof. V.S. Glushanko. - Vitebsk: VSMU Publishing House, 2004. - 79 p.
  9. Glushanko V.S., Timofeeva A.P., Moroz D.V., Kolosova T.V. Organization of hospital medical aid to population. Analysis of hospital healthcare organizations / Vitebsk: VSMU 2006. - 95 p.
  10. Glushanko V.S., Plish A.V. Medical and social expertise: a study guide for medical students of higher educational institutions on the subject "Public health and healthcare" / Under the ed. of MD, professor V.S. Glushanko. – Vitebsk: VSMU publishing house, 2004. - 103 p.
  11. Glushanko V.S. Organization of the state sanitary inspection service: a study guide /V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Timofeeva, A.P. Gruznevich; under the ed. of MD, Professor V.S. Glushanko: VSMU 2013 - 144 p.
  12. Under the editorship of Professor A.N. Kosinets. / Collection of questions and answers on clinical medicine/Vitebsk: VSMU, 1998 - 948 p.
  13. Glushanko V.S. Public health and public health services: Lectures-presentations, computer tests and practical skills for students of Overseas Training Faculties with Russian and English medium: a study guide /V.S. Glushanko, T.V. Kolosova, A.P. Timofeeva: edited by V.S. Glushanko - VSMU, 2008-442 p.
  14. Petrishche T.L. History of Medicine and Pharmacy: Course of lectures / T.L. Petrishche. Edited by MD, Professor V.S. Glushanko. - Vitebsk, VSMU, 2010. - 567 p.
  15. V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Timofeeva, D.V. Moroz. Health care quality control in health care organizations/ Vitebsk: VSMU 2006. - 74 p.
  16. Analysis of health organizations activities for maternal and child protection / V.S. Glushanko, Timofeeva A.P. [and etc.]; edited by V.S. Glushanko - VSMU 2010 - 329 p.
  17. Glushanko V.S. Development and decision-making in the system of public health protection: a study guide / V.S. Glushanko, M.V. Alferova, A.T. Shchastny. - Vitebsk: published by VSMU 2016. - 116 p.
  18. Glushanko V.S. Study method of level, frequency, structure and dynamics of disease and disability. Medical and rehabilitation activities and their components: a study guide/ V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Timofeeva, A.A. Gerberg. Edited by MD, Professor V.S. Glushanko. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2016 - 177p.
  19. Glushanko V.S., Alferova M.V. Effectiveness of the Belarusian model of health care and drug provision of population. // Journal of Pharmacy. № 2 (72) - 2016 to -20-29.
  20. Glushanko V.S., Alferova M.V. The curriculum on academic discipline "School of Management" for specialties 1-79 01 01 "General Medicine", 1-79 01 08 "Pharmacy", 1-79 01 07 "Dentistry" / Registration number YD-057/ed. dated 22 June, 2016 - VSMU 2016 – 27p.
  21. Glushanko V.S., Alferova M.V. Public health and health care / Curriculum of higher educational institution in specialty 1-79 80 23 "Public health and health care." Postgraduate training of higher education (Master’s program)/Registration number YD-M.57 /ed. dated 22 June, 2016, VSMU 2016-18p.
  22. Glushanko V.S. Effectiveness of the Belarusian health care model and its prospects / V.S. Glushanko, E.V. Mihnevich, M.V. Alferova, A.V. Mihnevich, A.V. Matyushko // Current approaches to health promotion: proceedings of VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Gomel, October 13, 2016 /EE "Gomel State University"; the editorial: A.N. Lyzikov [etc.]. - Gomel, 2016. - 17 – 19p.
  23. Glushanko V.S. Features of the Belarusian system of medical activity accreditation / V.S. Glushanko, E.V. Mihnevich // Current approaches to health promotion: proceedings of VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Gomel, October 13, 2016 / EE "Gomel State University"; the editorial: A.N. Lyzikov [et al.]. - Gomel, 2016. - 19 – 21p.
  24. Glushanko V.S. Organizational, medical and pharmaceutical components of the integrated prevention of social pathology. / V.S. Glushanko, M.V. Alferova, E.V. Mihnevich // Modern problems of public health and health care: a collection of materials of scientific-practical conference with international participation (21 October 2016) / EE "Grodno State Medical University"; edited by E.M. Tishchenko, M.Y. Surmach - Grodno, 2016 - 356 – 359p.
  25. A.T. Shchastny. Innovative components of updating the educational process: Monograph / A.T. Shchastny, V.S. Glushanko, N.Y. Konevalova, M.V. Alferova, A.A. Gerberg, V.A. Lappo, N.V. Lappo, D.V. Moroz, A.P. Timofeeva. - Vitebsk: VSMU 2016. - 168 p.
  26. Glushanko V.S. Improving the health management structure and medical care for rural population: a study guide / V.S. Glushanko, A.P. Timofeeva, A.A. Gerberg, R.S. Shefiev / Under the general editorship of MD, prof. V.S. Glushanko - Vitebsk: VSMU 2016 – 202p.

Professor V.S. Glushanko made more than 200 presentations at international, national and regional conferences:

  1. Glushanko V.S. Differentiation of medical social efficiency estimation of primary aid in the system of republic health and public health services / Glushanko V.S., Artsiomenko N.A., Nikitsenka T.V. // Dni Medycyny Spofecznej i Zdrowio ftillciiefi - Zitlens Giro 2012 "Polska 2012 - prioryfely zdrowia publicznego" - Lubuska Wyzsza Szkoia Zdrowia Publicznego w Zielonej Gorze Zielona Gora in 2012.
  2. Management in pharmaceutical sector of the public health services of Belarus during the period of the new economic policy / Glushanko V.S., Petrishche T.L. // Historiae scientiarum Baltica 2012 - Vilnius, October 4-6, 2012 - Abstracts of the XXV International Baltic Conference on the History of Science.
  3. Development of the profession of general practitioner in Belarus / Artemenko N.A. // Historiae scientiarum Baltica 2012 - Vilnius, October 4-6, 2012 - Abstracts of the XXV International Baltic Conference on the History of Science.
  4. Glushanko V.S. Professional competence of doctors and pharmacists as a category of biomedical ethics / V.P. Deikalo, V.S. Glushanko, T.L. Petrishche // Problems of medical ethics in the modern world: proceedings of the VIII International Medical Conference, Vitebsk, May 24-25, 2012 - Minsk.