ChernyavskiyYuPSubdivision: Department of Therapeutic dentistry of educational establishment «Vitebsk State Medical University»
Position: Head of the chair
Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor

Short summary

Born January 5, 1962 in Orsha. In 1984 graduated the Dental Faculty of the Minsk State Medical Institute.

1984-85 y.y.: Doctor-intern of the Vitebsk regional dental clinic.

1985-2006 y.y.: Dentist, head of the department of the Vitebsk regional dental clinic.

2006-2007 y.y.: Assistant of the Department of General Dentistry of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

2007 y.-present: Head of Chair of Therapeutic Dentistry of educational establishment «Vitebsk State Medical University».

Dentist of the highest qualification category. The winner of regional competition "Best Doctor of the Year" in the category "Dentistry" (2005 у.). BSSR honorary donor. Excellence of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Awarded with diplomas Health Department Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, certificates of VSMU.

List of scientific publications

In 2004 defended candidate dissertation on the topic: "Restoring of defects of dental hard tissue bу veneer coatings."

During the scientific-practical and pedagogical activity has published more than 100 works on the following subjects:

  • educational and methodical editions: the courses of lectures on therapeutic dentistry for students 3 and 4 courses of the dental faculty. Aseptic and antiseptic in dentistry. Occlusal trauma. Algorithm of description of radiographs in dentistry. Diseases of the oral mucosa. Periodontal disease: clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. The program of production practices for therapeutic dentistry for the 3rd year dental faculty.
  • disciplines of choice. The reinforcing pin designs at the restoration of coronal part. Fiber adhesive designs in the clinic therapeutic dentistry. Modern methods of endodontic treatment of pulpitis and apical periodontitis.
  • the introduction of pedagogical innovations in teaching discipline "Therapeutic dentistry" and "Communal dentistry",
  • Electronic educational and methodical complex for therapeutic and community dentistry,
  • the restoration of the front teeth with the use of direct veneer designs,
  • endodontic treatment of apical periodontitis. Repeated endodontic treatment,
  • an integrated approach in the treatment of endoperiodontal pathologies,
  • replacement of small defects of dentitions by adhesive fiber composite structures,
  • adhesive fiber by splinting systems with periodontal disease,
  • the problems of onkostomatology, precancer

Developed innovations, acts of introduction in the practical health and in the learning process.