KrishtopovDepartment: Rectorate
Position: Vice-Rector for Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs
Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Krishtopov Leonid Egorovich was born in 1950. In 1977 he graduated from Vitebsk State Medical Institute with honours.

Since April 20, 2005 he has been a Vice-Rector for Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs at the Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University".

Under the supervision of L. Krishtopov the programs intended for promotion of public health, demographic security, reduction of morbidity and mortality have been developed and implemented. These programs include: "Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases", "Oncology", "Trauma", "Healthy mother - healthy child ", "Infection", "Internal medicine", "Surgical illnesses", “Military and extreme medicine", "Organization, management and health economics", “Prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and psychosomatic diseases", "Drugs".

He is responsible for the coordination of work of research centers, a standardization and quality control of medicines laboratory, a dental clinic, 2 pharmacies (one of which is an educational-production), "Clinic of VSMU".

L. Krishtopov is the head of Clinical Council which brings together highly qualified specialists of the University and practical public health as well.
He is the author of nearly a hundred research papers and 15 innovation proposals.