Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Department of Pathological Physiology of VSMU

Address: 210023, Vitebsk, Frunze Avenue, 27A,

lecture halls of the medical-theoretical building,

5th floor, aud. № 514-526, 530

Phone (fax): +375 (212) 64 81 37

Email mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The staff of the Department of Pathological Physiology successfully provides the pedagogical process at five faculties - medical, pharmaceutical (with full-time and part-time forms of study), dental, pediatric and the faculty of training foreign citizens. The department trained persons at the 2nd stage of higher education in the specialty “Pathological physiology, physiology”. 7 people completed master's degree courses; 7 master's theses were successfully defended.

Currently, at the department, associate professors and teachers of the department carry out extensive educational and methodological work, ideological and educational work with students of supervised groups, scientific work with students of the student scientific circle, graduate students of the department conduct research on the basis of the research laboratory of VSMU. The content of lectures and laboratory classes is constantly being modernized to timely inform students about the latest achievements of biomedical science and improve the quality of the educational process. To form the foundations of clinical thinking in laboratory classes, a large number of situational clinical tasks are used, and various forms of pathology are demonstrated using the example of anatomical models and layouts.

Educational and ideological work with students is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work. Students of supervised groups can regularly review the magazines «Bulletin VSMU», «Planet», «Alesya» and the newspaper «Vitbichi», which are subscribed to regularly by the department employees.

A student scientific group is constantly operates at the department. Student members of the circle conduct research according to the department’s plan, give scientific reports at scientific conferences of young scientists and students, and take part in reviews and competitions of student scientific works. Every year, one or two scientific works of students from the circle at republican competitions belong to the 1st or 2nd category, and over the past three years, two students have become laureates of this competition.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the following disciplines are assigned to the department:

1. Pathological physiology (taught to students of the Faculty of Medicine in the 5th and 6th semesters).

2. Clinical pathological physiology (taught to students of the Faculty of Medicine in the 7th semester).

3. Pathological physiology (taught to students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the 4th and 5th semesters).

4. Pathological physiology (taught to students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the 6th and 7th semesters of the faculty).

5. Pathological physiology (taught to students of the Pediatric Faculty in the 5th and 6th semesters of the faculty).

Theoretical and practical training of students is carried out by giving them lectures, conducting laboratory classes in accordance with the curriculum, as well as through their self-education by preparing abstracts, solving clinical and pathophysiological situational tasks, as well as their participation in scientific conferences, participation in olympiads and so on. The level of students' preparation is monitored during interviews, checking essays, testing and the final exam.

Over the past 5 years, the Department of Pathophysiology has completed the following research topics:

1. Within the framework of the State Public Research Institute “Assess the long-term consequences of the influence of prenatal stress on the tone of the coronary vessels and substantiate ways to prevent identified disorders” (2016-2017);

2. “To establish the impact of the use of innovative pedagogical technologies on the quality of the educational process at a medical university” (2016 - to date);

3. “New diagnostic methods and correction of pathological conditions in immunology and infectology” (2017 – present)

4. “Long-term consequences of combined stress on the body of animals, their characteristics and ways to correct identified violations” (2014-2019).

5. “Innovative practices in organizing the educational process when studying the discipline “Pathological Physiology.”