Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Chair of General and Clinical Pharmacology with the Course of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining

Subdivision: Chair of General and Clinical Pharmacology with the course of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: no

ORCID Profile: 0000-0002-1293-7023

Antonova Elena Gennadievna was born in 1975 in Ushachi, Vitebsk region. In 1998 she graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University. After completing her internship, she worked at Ushachi Central Rigional Hospital, Vitebsk Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital (infectious disease doctor, head of the department, deputy chief physician for medical affairs). She has 1st qualification category in the specialty “infectious disease doctor”.

Since 2012 she has been working at Chair of General and Clinical Pharmacology with the course of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining, since December 2015 – as a senior teacher. In 2021, she successfully completed her postgraduate studies at VSMU, specializing in infectious diseases.

Antonova E.G. gives lectures and conducts classes in the discipline “Pharmacology” for the 3rd year students of General Medicine Faculty, gives lectures and conducts classes in the discipline “Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacological Therapy” for the 4th and 5th years students of Pharmaceutical Faculty, gives lectures in the elective discipline “Vitamins. Microelements. Adaptogens”, accepts course exams in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology.

Performs medical work as a general practitioner (advisory assistance) at the burn and neurological departments of Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital.

Area of scientific interests: infectious diseases, clinical pharmacology.

Textbooks (co-authored):

  1. Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacological Therapy: Manual / M.R. Konorev, N.G. Gurin, O.I. Kuzmina, O.P. Dorozhkina, O.V. Kurlyuk, E.G. Antonova, T.V. Makhankova, N.V. Kovova, T.M. Sobolenko (edited by M. R. Konorev). – Vitebsk: VSMU, 2015. – 354 p.
  2. Educational and Methodological Manual for Classes in Pharmacology: Educational and Methodological Manual / M.R. Konorev, I.I. Krapivko, D.A. Rozhdestvensky, E.G. Antonov (edited by M. R. Konorev). – Vitebsk: VSMU, 2016. – 192 p.
  3. Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacological Therapy: Educational and Methodological Manual for 4-5 year students of Pharmaceutical Faculty / M.R. Konorev, O.P. Dorozhkina, O.V. Kurlyuk, T.M. Sobolenko, E.G. Antonova, T.N. Golovina, O.I. Kuzmina (edited by M.R. Konorev). - 2nd edition revised and expanded. - Vitebsk: VSMU, 2022. – 399 p.

Publications in collections and periodicals


1. Antonova, E.G. Distribution of Extremely Resistant and Pan-resistant Strains of Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a Multidisciplinary Hospital / E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhiltsov // Journal of Infectology. – 2023. – T. 15, No. 3. Appendix 1. – P.15-16.


1. Antonova E.G. Antibacterial Therapy of Hospital Infections Caused by Carbapenemase-producing Strains of Klebsiella Pneumoniae / E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhiltsov, I.I. Stakhovich // Vestnik VSMU. – 2022. – T. 21, No. 3. – P.69-75.

2. Analysis of the Cost Structure for Pharmacotherapy of Thermal Burns / S.E. Rzheussky, E.G. Antonova [and others] // Vestnik Pharmacy. – 2022. – T. 96, No. 2. – P.38-45.

3. Antonova, E.G. Detection of Production of Carbapenemases of Various Molecular Classes by Nosocomial Strains of Klebsiella Pneumoniae / E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhiltsov //Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy. – 2022. – T. 24, Appendix 1. – P.10.


  1. Antonova E.G. Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance of Klebsiel Pneumoniae Isolated in a Multidisciplinary Hospital /E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhiltsov //Journal of Grodno State Medical University. – 2021. – T.19, No. 1. – P.31-35.
  2. Antonova E.G. Features of the Clinical Course of Nosocomial Infections Caused by Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strains Resistant to Carbapenems / E.G. Antonova // Smolensk medical almanac. – 2021. - No. 1. – pp. 19-23.
  3. Antibiotic Resistance of Klebsiella Pneumoniae against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience of a Multidisciplinary Hospital / D.V. Tapalsky, E.V. Karpova, E.G. Antonova [and others] // Infectious diseases: news, opinions, training. – 2021. – T.10, No. 3. – P.15-22.
  4. Current Level of Resistance to Colistin in Hospital Isolates of Klebsiella Pneumoniae/ E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhil-tsov // Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy: materials of the 76th scientific session of university staff, Vitebsk, January 28-29, 2021. / VSMU; editorial board: A.T. Shchastny [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2021. – pp. 38-40.
  5. Antonova E.G. Antibiotic Resistance of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strains during Nosocomial Infections in a Multidisciplinary Hospital / E.G. Antonova, I.V. Zhiltsov // Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy. – 2021. – T.23, appendix 1. – P.10.


1. Structure and Features of Infections Caused by Multidrug-resistant Strains of K. Pneumoniae / Antonova E.G., Zhiltsov I.V. // Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 75th scientific session of university staff, Vitebsk, January 219-30, 2020. pp. 66-68.

2. Second Generation Hormonal Contraceptives as a Factor Increasing the Risk of Thrombus Formation / Afanasyev V.V., Danilovich M.V., Antonova E.G., Gimro O.G. // Innovations in medicine and pharmacy - 2020. Collection of materials from a remote scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists. - Minsk. - 2020. pp. 38-41.

3. Nosocomial Infections Caused by Klebsiella Pneumoniae: Focus on the Use of Combinations of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Drugs / N.Yu. Leskova, E.G. Antonova [and others] // Clinical infectology and parasitology. – 2020. – T. 9, No. 3. – Pp. 352-363.


1. ABC-DDD Matrix Model: Focus on the Rational Use of Antimicrobial Drugs / Leskova N.Yu., Konorev M.R., Solkin A.A., Akulyonok A.V., Sabalenko T.M., Antonova E.G. //Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 74th scientific session of university staff. -Vitebsk, January 23-24, 2019. P 253-256.


1. Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance of S.aureus, K.pneumonia, P.aeruginosa in Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital during 2013-2017 / Antonova E.G., Leskova N.Yu. // Current issues of modern medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 70th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists, Vitebsk, 25-26.04.2018. / VSMU; Editorial Board: Shchastny A.T. [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2018. – P. 486-488.

2. Multiresistant Strains of K.pneumoniae, A.baumanii, P.aeruginosa in the Intensive Care Unit / N.Yu. Leskova, A.V. Akulenok, E.G. Antonova, T.M. Sabalenko, A.A. Solkin, S.V. Ogrizko, O.P. Dorozhkina // Achievements of fundamental clinical medicine and pharmacy: materials of the 73rd scientific session of university staff, Vitebsk, January 29-30, 2018. / VSMU; editorial team: A.T. Shchastny [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2018. – P. 435-447.


1. Analysis of the Structure of Drug-induced Anaphylactic Shock according to the Allergy Department of Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital during 2013-2015 / Sabalenko T.M., Antonova E.G., Leskova N.Yu., Zakharova O.V., Klimenkova Yu.A., Tolyaronok D.A. // Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 72nd scientific session of university staff. - 2017. - p. 180-182.

2. Pharmaceutical Consulting: Strategies for Implementing a Competency-based Approach / A.V. Akulenok, T.M. Sabalenko, A.A. Solkin, E.G. Antonova, O.V. Kurlyuk // Medical education of the 21st century: a competency-based approach and its implementation in the system of continuing medical education: a collection of materials from the republican scientific and practical conference with international participation, Vitebsk, December 15, 2017 / Vitebsk. Vitebsk State Medical University; editorial board: A.T. Shchastny [and others]. – Vitebsk, 2017. – P. 343-347.


1. Implementation of the Principles of Pharmaceutical Care in the Preparation of a Pharmacist / Antonova E.G., Sabalenko T.M., Kovova N.V. // Achievements of fundamental medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 71st scientific session of university staff. - 2016. - p. 368-370.

2. The Effectiveness of the “Case-study” Technique in Studying the Discipline “Clinical Pharmacology” / Konorev M.R., Akulenok A.V., Antonova E.G., Dorozhkina O.P., Kovova N.V., Mastykova E. Z.K., Sobolen-ko T.M., Yurgel L.A. // Achievements of fundamental medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 71st scientific session of university staff. - 2016. - p. 281-282.

3. Anaphylactic Shock – Analysis of Hospitalizations according to the Allergy Department of Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital during 2013-2014 / Klimenkova Yu. A., Tolyaronok D. A., Antonova E. G. // Current issues of modern medicine and pharmacy Materials of the 68th final scientific and practical conference of employees and young scientists. - 2016. p. 263-265.


1. Optimization of the Formation of Practical Skills in Pharmacology among Students of General Medicine Faculty / Antonova E.G., Kovova N.V. // Achievements of fundamental medicine and pharmacy. Materials of the 69th scientific session of university staff. - 2014. - p. 244-245.

2. Assessment and Prospects of Distance Learning when Studying the Discipline "Pharmacology" by External Students / Sobolenko T.M., Antonova E.G., Kovova N.V., Yurgel L.A. // Education of the XXI century. Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - 2014. - p. 445-447.