Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language

The chair was organized in June 1982 in connection with the beginning of training specialists for foreign countries. Since 1985, the chair has been headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor I.A. Floryanu. His work was awarded a commemorative medal “For merits in the development of Vitebsk State Medical University”, an award pin of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “Excellence in Education”.

Senior professors T.B. Brus, I.G. Rahmanova, T.A. Malkova, O.U. Rodionova, I.M. Leiko, K.V. Kurylenko, G.N. Floryanu, E.L. Mandrik, I.K. Zhilina, T.V. Chernyaeva, D.O. Harzeeva, professors V.A. Korotkina, V.I. Truhan, N.S. Lagunova, I.S. Borodavkina, M.B. Shalyutina, graduate associate E.M. Shavlyuga, laboratory assistant of the 1st category L.A. Gusakova, laboratory assistant I.V. Batyan work fruitfully at the chair.

Students from Asian and African countries as well as from the CIS and Baltic countries are trained at the chair for whom the Russian language is a means of mastering the specialty of a doctor or a pharmacist. The principle of active communication plays a decisive role in teaching. Much attention is paid to language preparation for clinical practice.

The topic of the chair’s research work is “Practice-oriented approach to the preparation of teaching aids on Russian as a foreign language” within the framework of which teaching aids are being prepared for publication. During the existence of the chair, about 30 educational and methodological manuals and more than 250 scientific and methodological articles have been published.

During practical classes, foreign students get acquainted with the biographies of famous Russian medical scientists, pharmacists, the structure of healthcare of the Republic of Belarus, the specifics of patient care in medical institutions, and medical specialties. Students read and analyze literary texts by Russian writers that are closely related to the medical profession. Reading these texts and their discussion contribute to the formation and development of students' professional and personal qualities of a future doctor, increase their general educational and cultural level, and make it easier to adapt and be more active in clinical classes.

The chair pays great attention to classroom as well as extracurricular educational work with students. One of the areas of educational work at the chair is preparing foreign students to participate in Russian language Olympiads. Teachers of the chair are curators of student groups of 1–3 years of the Faculty of Overseas Students Training. There are excursions, creative work competitions, congratulations. Educational work is aimed at developing among foreign students a friendly attitude towards the Republic of Belarus, a sense of internationalism, a respectful attitude towards teachers and a tactful attitude towards each other.