Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Department of Hospital Surgery

Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.T. Shchastny. Disciplines are taught in the Russian and English languages. Training is provided for 5th and 6th year students.


1. Surgical diseases (for the 5th and 6th year students of the General Medicine Faculty and the Overseas Students Training Faculty).

2. Urology (for the 5th and 6th year students of the General Medicine Faculty and the Overseas Students Training Faculty).

3. Pediatric Surgery (for the 5th and 6th year students of the General Medicine Faculty and the Overseas Students Training Faculty).

Educational bases of the department: Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital (Voinov-Internationalistov St., 37), Vitebsk City Clinical Hospital No. 1 (Kommunisticheskaya St., 5), Vitebsk Regional Children's Clinical Center (Vitebsk Regional Children's Clinical Center) Children's Regional Clinical Hospital, Shradera St.).

The hospital surgery clinic includes 7 surgical departments and 2 urological departments at the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, one surgical department at the Vitebsk City Clinical Hospital No. 1, one surgical and one traumatology department at the Vitebsk Regional Children's Hospital.

All staff of the department conduct clinical work on the basis of specialized departments, leading specialists are curators of clinical departments.

The educational work of the department is carried out in accordance with the annual plan of ideological and educational work of the university during the educational process and extracurricular time in the following areas:

– civic and patriotic education;

– spiritual, moral and aesthetic education;

– multicultural education;

– social and pedagogical support for students;

– fostering a culture of safe living and a healthy lifestyle;

– employment and organization of temporary employment.

At medical conferences, the latest information is provided about the most important events taking place in the university, healthcare, medicine in the country and abroad.

Issues devoted to the foreign and domestic policies of the country, the most important aspects of the state ideology of the Republic of Belarus are touched upon.

During the educational process, attention is paid to issues of morality and humanism, ethics and deontology of future doctors.

Student works are presented at scientific conferences and competitions. Much attention is paid to students’ self-education, independent work with medical literature, and improvement of professional skills in examining and treating patients.

The joint participation of domestic and foreign students and cadets in medical conferences, patient supervision, work in the dressing room and operating room develops a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other cultures, nationalities, and religions. The formation of universal and medical ethical standards, the art of finding compromises, and the cultivation of a culture of behavior is facilitated by the involvement of students in the International Festival of Medical Students “Student Autumn of VSMU”, Faculty Days, cultural and sports festivals, meetings dedicated to holidays, memorials and anniversaries.

At the first lesson of each cycle, students and listeners are given instructions on labor protection and safety precautions. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of bad habits and addictions (alcohol, smoking, drugs, psychotropic drugs), the need for physical education and sports, good nutrition, hygiene, and proper planning of the working day. Conversations are held about the importance of caring for the environment. Health education conversations with patients are included in the required list of documents for practical training. Teachers conduct annual medical examinations of students, provide ongoing consultations and provide qualified medical care.