Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Department of General Medical Practice

The Department of General Medical Practice takes its origins from October 10, 1988, when the first Department of Polyclinic Therapy in the Republic of Belarus was organized.

Since 2015, the Department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Rostislavna Vykhristenko – member of the Belarusian Society of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists, the Belarusian Society of Nephrologists, the Belarusian Society of Rheumatology, a member of the World Allergy Organization. There are 19 staff members of the Department: Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vykhristenko L.R.; Associate Professors: Ph.D. Egorov K.N., Ph.D. Sivakov V.P., Ph.D. Solodkova I.V., Ph.D. Schastlivenko A.I.; Senior Lecturers: Ph.D. Korneeva V.A., Sidorenko E.V., Muzyka O.G., Bondareva L.I., Seregin A.G., Assistants: Usilenok V.S., Derkach E.F., Zhigun E.S., Shilina K.G., Suvorova A.V., Leonova N.V.; Laboratory Assistants: Lilya M.I., Odintsova E.A., Tkacheva V.N. The teaching staff of the Department is represented by a Doctor of Medical Sciences, five Candidates of Medical Sciences, and ten certified higher education teachers.

The organization of the educational process at the Department of General Medical Practice is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard of specialty 1-79 01 01 “General Medicine”. Training for 4-5 year students of the General Medicine Faculty and the Overseas Students Training Faculty is carried out in 4 disciplines: “Internal Diseases”, “Policlinic Therapy”, “Endocrinology”, “Military Field Therapy” (for students of the Overseas Students Training Faculty). The Department trains 6th year students in the academic discipline “Internal Diseases”, “Polyclinic Therapy”, “Palliative Medical Care”. Clinical residents (foreign citizens) are trained in the specialty “General Medical Practice”.

The educational bases of the department are the health care institution “Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital”, State Institution “Vitebsk City Central Clinic”, Branch No. 3 of State Institution “Vitebsk City Central Clinic”, “Vitebsk City Clinical Clinic No. 3”. The educational process actively uses diagnostic and treatment equipment from clinical bases, innovative methods of teaching disciplines (distance learning, electronic testing, etc.), video materials prepared by department staff, and equipment from the University’s Center for Practical Training and Simulation Training. Staff of the department have published manuals “Bronchial asthma”, “Occupational diseases: tests with explanations” (in English and Russian), “Autoimmune diseases: diagnosis and treatment”, “Algorithm for diagnosing diseases of internal organs”, “Algorithm for conducting examination of temporary disability”.

The priority direction of the department’s scientific work is the development of methods for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases. Research on this topic has been carried out since 2018. Within the framework of the topic, research is being carried out to optimize the tactics of managing patients with bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus by improving early diagnosis, increasing the effectiveness of treatment, and creating comprehensive methods of prevention.

The department trains highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies, highly qualified specialists for practical healthcare through clinical residency of various forms. On the subject of scientific research, seven dissertations are being carried out for the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences and one dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The staff of the department provide therapeutic, advisory and organizational-methodological assistance on the basis of 4 medical institutions in Vitebsk: Vitebsk City Central Clinic, Branch No. 3, Vitebsk City Clinical Clinic No. 3, Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, "Clinic of Vitebsk State Medical University", in institutions of the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.