Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Electronic textbooks


  1. Infection in surgery. Under the editorship of Professor A.N. Kosinets, 2004.
  2. Surgical infection: diagnosis, prevention, treatment. Under the editorship of Professor A.N. Kosinets, 2004.
  3. Antibiotic therapy in contaminated surgery. Under the editorship of Professor A.N. Kosinets, 2004.
  4. Antibiotic therapy in contaminated surgery. Under the editorship of Professor A.N. Kosinets, 2004.
  5. Nephrocellular cancer. A.N. Kosinets, A.A. Zhebentayev, 2004.
  6. Proteinases and their inhibitors in contaminated surgery and oncology. Kosinets A.N., Kirpichyonok L.N., 2004.
  7. Diabetic foot syndrome. A.N. Kosinets, A.A. Zenkov, 2004.
  8. Internal Medicine Propaedeutics (fundamentals of diagnostics and particular pathology of internal organs). Under the editorship of Professor N.E. Fyodorov, 2004.
  9. Biochemistry. Under the editorship of Professor N.Y. Konevalova, 2004.
  10. Practical skills in biochemistry. Under the editorship of Professor N.Y. Konevalova, 2004.
  11. Case studies in biochemistry. Under the editorship of Professor N.Y. Konevalova, 2004.
  12. Lecture course on industrial technology of drugs. Under the editorship of Professor V.I. Ishchenko, 2004.
  13. The collection of case studies for practical training in traumatology, orthopedics and military surgery. Authors: Divakov M.G., Deikalo V.P., Boloboshko K.B., 2004.
  14. Psychological competence of the physician: technology of implementation of training and research assignments in psychology. V.P. Dubrova., I.V. Yelkina, A.L. Tserkovsky, 2004. Medical Practice in subject: “Public health and health system”. Under the editorship of Professor V.S. Glushanko, 2004.
  15. Case studies and practical skills in dermatovenerology. Adaskevich V.P., Kozin V.M., Salarev V.V., Tikhonovskaya I.V, 2004.


  1. Cosmetic drugs. S.I. Kotlyar, 2005.
  2. Lecture course on radiation diagnosis and radiotherapy. Grenkov G.I., Medvedsky V.E., 2005.
  3. Lecture course on traumatology, orthopedics and military surgery for students of the IV-V courses of medical faculty. M.G.Divakov, M.A.Nikolsky, 2005.
  4. Pharmaceutical botany. Under the editorship of Professor N.S. Gurina, 2005.
  5. General pharmacology. Krapivko I.I., Rozhdestvensky D.A., 2005.
  6. Urology: lectures, case studies, tests and practical skills. Shein I.A., 2005.
  7. Human embryology. Aleh A. Bobr, 2005.
  8. Selected themes of histology, cytology and embryology core. Aleh D. Miadzelets, Aleh A.Bobr, 2005.
  9. Medical biology. O.-Y.L. Bekish, 2005.
  10. Study guide on self-preparation for lesson and performance of laboratory operations on general chemistry. Kuntsevich Z.S., Varikova T.S., 2005.
  11. Flora of the Republic of Belarus: medical and economic value. Karpova V.I., Gurina N.S., Buzuk G.N., Konopleva M.M., Lubakovskaya L.A., Kuzmicheva N.A., Kuznetsova N.P., Lovchinovsky Y.O., 2005.
  12. Military surgery. Laboratory manual for self-study. K.N. Borisevich, V.P. Deikalo, 2005.
  13. General microbiology & essential immunology. Lecture course. I.I. Generalov, 2005.
  14. Laboratory manual on pediatric surgery for students of medical faculty. Shmakov A.P., 2005.
  15. Lectures, tests, case studies on urology. Shein I.A., 2005.
  16. Public health and health care system. Lectures for native students. Glushanko V.S., 2005.


  1. Management of pharmaceutical service. Fidelman F.I., Motornaya V.A., 2006.
  2. Departmental surgery. Lecture course for students of the IV course of medical faculty. Under the editorship of Professor V.N.Shilenok, 2006.
  3. Propaedeutics of children diseases. V.I. Novikova, I.M. Lysenko, G.K. Barkun, 2006.
  4. Phthisiopulmonology. Samtsov V.S., Volosevich G.V., Gorbach I.N., Romanovsky R.V., 2006.
  5. Medical and biological physics. Samtsov V.S., Volosevich G.V., Gorbach I.N., Romanovsky R.V., 2006.
  6. Outpatient therapy. V.I. Brazulevich, Y.A. Ulanova, Z.I.Veremeyeva, N.F.Sudibor, V.P.Sivakov, 2006.
  7. Hygienics. Burak I.I., Yurkevich A.B., Miklis N.I., 2006. V.1. - For the students of specialty "Medicine" of higher medical educational institutions. V.2. - For the students of specialty "Pharmacy" of higher medical educational institutions.
  8. Reference WORD. Khruleva M.V., 2006.
  9. Medical and biological physics. A.P. Baranov, M.F. Klimenok, 2006. V.1. -Lectures. V.2. - Tests and case studies.


  1. The English-Russian ideoglossary of propaedeutics of internal diseases and general nursing: Reference book. Under the editorship of Professor G.I. Yupatov, 2007.
  2. Pharmacognosy. Shelutto V.L., 2007.
  3. Lecture course on forensic medicine. Yablonsky M.F., 2007.
  4. Directory of registered diagnostic terms, injuries and illnesses in traumatology and orthopedics. V.P. Deikalo, K.B. Borisevich, 2007.


  1. Propaedeutics of children diseases (supplied by video). V.I. Novikova, I.M. Lysenko, G.K. Barkun 2008.
  2. Fundamentals of massage in children. G.K. Barkun, 2008.
  3. Elective course in pediatrics, reflexology in pediatrics. I.M. Lysenko, 2008.
  4. Endocrinology. Yangolenko V.V. 2008.
  5. Public health and health care system. Lecture course for foreign students. Glushanko V.S., 2008.


  1. Endocrynology. 2009.
  2. E-manuals on anatomy for exam preparation. 2009. V.1. Usovich A.K., Olshannikova V.V. "Materials to prepare for the state transfer exam in human anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 01 (General medicine)". V.2. Usovich A.K., Tryasuchev P.M., Chirkina I.A. "Materials to prepare for the state transfer exam in human anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 07 (Dentistry)". V.3. Usovich A.K., Tesfaye W.A., Ostrovskaya T.A., Krasnobayev V.A. «Materials for preparation for examination in human anatomy Specialty 1790101 (general medicine)».
  3. E-manuals "Exam in anatomy", 2009. V.1. Usovich A.K., Burak G.G., Olshannikova V.V., Tesfaye V.A. "Examination in anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 01 (General Medicine). Materials for self-study." V.2. Usovich A.K., Tryasuchev P.M., Chirkina I.A., Krasnobayev V.A. "Examination in anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 07 (Dentistry). Materials for self-study." V.3. Usovich A.K., Tesfaye W.A., Ostrovskaya T.A., Krasnobaev V.A. «Materials for preparation for examination on human anatomy Specialty 1790101 (general medicine)».
  4. E-version of the textbook «General propaedeutics of internal diseases. Lecture course» (General propaedeutics of internal diseases: Lecture course (in English). Nemtsov L.M., 2009. V.1. «General propedeutics of internal diseases. Lecture course» (without video). V.2. «General propedeutics of internal diseases. Lecture course» (supplied with video)
  5. Manual to prepare for a credit-test in practical skills on plant taxonomy. Kuznetsova N.P., 2009.


  1. E-textbook on maxillofacial surgery for the 3-rd year students of Stomatological Faculty. Kabanova S.A., Kabanova A.A., Pogotsky A.K., Karpuk I.Y., 2010.
  2. Children maxillofacial surgery. Kabanova S.A., 2010.
  3. Pharmacognosy: BAS. Konopleva M.M., 2010.
  4. Training and methodological manual on anatomy, 2010. V.1. Usovich A.K., Tryasuchev P.M., Kobets G.G. "Training and methodological manual on human anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 07 (Dentistry). Part 3 (examination)". V.2. Usovich A.K., Burak G.G., Olshannikova V.V. "Training and methodological manual on human anatomy for the specialty 1 79 01 01 (General Medicine). Part 3 (examination)". V.3. Usovich A.K., Tesfaye W.A., Ostrovskaya T.A., Krasnobayev V.A. «Academic methodical complex on Human anatomy. Specialty 1790101 (general medicine)».
  5. Fundamentals of diagnostics, treatment of caries and non-carious lesions in children. Liora A.K., Zharkova O.A., 2010.
  6. Laboratory manual on histology, cytology and embryology. Myadelets O.D., 2010.
  7. Fundamentals of self-professional-applied physical training of medical students. Stolbitsky V.V., 2010.


  1. Economic theory. Truhanovets N.I., Pobyarzhina T.P., 2011.
  2. Methodology of educational research in professional education. Tserkovsky A.L., 2011.
  3. Psychophysiology of the educational process management. Tserkovsky A.L., 2011.
  4. Training aid on normal physiology. Gorodetskaya I.V., Lazuko S.S., 2011.


  1. Glushanko V.S. "Public health and health care system"
  2. Samsonova I.V. "Pathologic anatomy"
  3. Bressky A.G., Zanko S.N., Lysenko O.V. "Internship diary"
  4. Yangolenko V.V. "Practice. Therapy".
  5. Litvyakov A.M., Schupakova A.N. "Occupational diseases"
  6. Garanicheva S.L. "Management of evidence-based training using Microsoft Excel tables»
  7. Garanicheva S.L. «Excel for medical students"
  8. Petrishche T.L. "The history of medicine and pharmacy"
  9. Newsletter of Laboratory of innovative pedagogics: L.Y. Belyayeva, A.V. Derevyago "Evaluating the effectiveness of lectures and the use of innovative forms of self-work of students during a lecture at the Chair of Pathologic Physiology"
  10. On-line conferences information collection.


  1. "Histology, cytology and embryology: terms and definitions" Myadelets O.D., Myadelets M.Y.
  2. "Outpatient therapy" 2 volumes. Brazulevich V.I. and others.
  3. "Professional ethics of the medical specialist" Myasoyedov A.M.
  4. "Clinical anatomy of the hand and surgical approaches" Deikalo V.P., Tolstik A.N., Boloboshko K.B.
  5. "Acute respiratory diseases in one-year old children " I.M. Lysenko, T.M. Ryabova
  6. "Acute respiratory diseases in children," Ryabova T.M., Zhukova L.I., Lysenko I.M.
  7. "Peculiarities and diseases of the neonatal period" Lysenko I.M.
  8. «Collection of materials for preparation for examination on human anatomy Specialty 1790101 (general medicine)» Usovich AK, Tesfaye WA, Krasnobaev VA, Ostrovskaya TA
  9. Newsletter N.Yu.Konevalova, S.S.Lazuko, I.V.Gorodetskaya "Introduction into biomedicine. Background»
  10. Kulik S.P., Tikhanovich N.U., Myasoyedov A.M. "Problems of bioethics, biomedical and biopharmaceutical ethics in teaching the humanities to medical students"


  1. Lecture course on prosthetic dentistry. Karpuk I.Y., Ugalev A.N., Karpuk N.A.
  2. "Pathological characteristic features of diabetes" Belyayeva L.Y.
  3. "Pharmacognosy: BAS" Konopleva M.M.
  4. «Normal physiology. Materials for preparation to exam» Gorodetskaya I.V.
  5. «Normal physiology. Video demonstration» Gorodetskaya I.V.
  6. "Innovative and teaching activities in higher education" Ligetskaya I.V, Kavzova Y.I., Shilin K.A. and others.
  7. "Surgical instruments. General and special" Kosinets V.A., Komushenko A.V., Rundo A.I.
  8. Collection of the International scientific-practical conference "Education of the 21-st century"
  9. "Psychology" Tserkovsky A.L.


  1. "Physiology of secondary organs of the immune system" Sobolevskaya I.S., Myadelets O.D., Grushin V.N., Kichigina T.N.
  2. “Clinical anatomy of the hand and surgical approaches” Deikalo V.P., Tolstik A.N., Boloboshko K.B., 2-nd edition.
  3. "A practical guide for self-study of students to prepare for seminars on Occupational Safety and Health" I.I. Burak, O.A. Cherkasova, S.V. Grigorieva, N.I. Miklis, A.B. Yurkevich
  4. «General dentistry» Kuzmenko Y.V.
  5. «Stomatology and maxillofacial surgery» Kabanova S.A., Pogotsky A.K.
  6. «Collection of tests and situational problems for the first-year students of the stomatologic faculty» Machkalian E.L., Markevich V.A.
  7. Newsletter of Laboratory of innovative pedagogics "Innovative technologies in educational process at the Chair of Botany and Ecology" Kuznetsova N.P.
  8. Newsletter of Laboratory of innovative pedagogics "Methods and techniques of Proteomics and Peptidomics in biomedical research" L.G. Gidranovich