Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Schools of sciences of VSMU

20 major reputable scientific and pedagogical schools have been formed over resent years in EE "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University”, which successfully continue their work making a significant contribution to the development of the medical science of the Republic of Belarus and improving the university teaching process. This underlies and determines the inextricable connection of past, present and future generations of medical scientists.

1. Scientific and educational school "Diagnosis and treatment of common chronic dermatoses"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir P. Adaskevich.

2. Scientific and educational school "Study of allergic and genetic aspects of relationship in the host-parasite system at helminthiases in man"
Founder: Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Oswald-Ian Leonovich Bekish. The present head of the scientific school is the doctor of medical sciences, professor Bekish Vladislav Yanovich.

3. Scientific and educational school "Arrangement, Management and Economics of Health Care"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medicine, Professor Vasyliy Semenovich Glushanko.

4. Scientific and educational school "Spectroscopic and chromatographic methods to determine basic type drugs"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Alexander Ilyich Zhebentyaev.

5. Scientific and educational school "Healthy mother - healthy child"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergey Nikolaevich Zanko.

6. Scientific and educational school "Natural-scientific basis of human mental activity in health and disease"
Founder: MD, Professor Alexander A. Kirpichenko.

7. Scientific and educational school "Diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular disease"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir I. Kozlovsky.

8. Scientific and educational school "Lipid-transport blood system in cholesterolopathy"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Natalia Yu. Konevalova.

9. Scientific and educational school "Infection in Surgery"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander N. Kosinets.

10. Scientific and educational school "Study of effects of operations on stomach, intestine, mammary gland and their treatment"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolay G. Lud.

11. Scientific and educational "Actual problems of modern ophthalmodiagnosis and ophthalmosurgery"
Founder: MD, Professor Joseph Vatslavovich Morhat.

12. Scientific and educational school "Study of histophysiology and pathology of human skin system"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleg Danilovich Myadelets.

13. Scientific and educational school "Clinical immunology and allergiology"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Professor Dmitry Kuzmich Novikov.

14. Scientific and educational school "Pediatrics"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentina Ivanovna Novikova.

15. Scientific and educational school "Study of reconstructive-restorative operations on trachea and bronchi and enhance of reactivity in acute surgical diseases"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Michael G. Sachek.

16. Scientific and educational school "Infectology"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery M. Semenov.

17. Scientific and educational school "Problems of endothelial dysfunction"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander P. Solodkov.

18. Scientific and educational school "Endometriosis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and case follow-up methods"
Founder: MD, Professor Lydia Y. Suprun.

19. Scientific and educational school "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases"
Founder: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolay E. Fedorov.

20. Scientific and educational school "Actual problems of abdominal surgery. Surgical thyroidologists"
Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir N. Shilenok.